
Support in setting up production abroad

There are many reasons why you may decide to start producing abroad.

Some examples:

  • Production costs in your country are becoming too high, putting pressure on your competitive position
  • Transport costs of your product to the customers are too high
  • Availability of qualified personnel in your country is insufficient
  • You want to decrease the physical distance between you and your customer reducing your ecological footprint

In many cases you will look for a foreign partner to set up this production. Business Boost has developed a step-by-step plan for this with which we have already supported more than 50 companies.

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How it works


Business Boost has extensive experience in supporting companies in setting up production abroad. In an initial meeting, we jointly determine which countries offer possibilities realizing your production. Of course, this is closely related to the profile of your own company!

You know the specifications that a production company must meet in order to be a good partner for you. We will discuss this in detail during the first meeting and together we will draw up an ideal profile for your production partner.

Based on the profile, Business Boost identifies at least 10 potential production partners meeting the criteria. We present you a report with extensive profiles of these selected potential production partners.

Discussing the report, together we select the 5 most suitable potential production partners.

Business Boost will contact the owners of potential production partners on the shortlist and ask them if they are open for cooperation with your company. In case of a positive response, we will pass on the contact details to you immediately!

When you want to visit the interested potential production partners, we can also make an efficient visit schedule for you, together with Kerst Doornhof, owner of Business Boost International. Kerst has been supporting companies in internationalization for 30 years and has assisted more than 50 companies in setting up production abroad.

Using his knowledge and experience he advices you on for example:

  • How to structure the cooperation
  • How to negotiate with potential production partners
  • Drafting a cooperation agreement and other relevant agreements
  • Drawing up a business plan
  • Obtaining subsidies
  • Obtaining financing for necessary investments

What you get

You start your production activities in a selected country, with a partner meeting all predefined qualifications!


  • A longlist of at least 10 potential production partners in the selected countries that meet the defined selection criteria


  • Profiles of the potential production partners, with detailed information about each identified company


  • A shortlist of the best 5 production partners
  • Introduction to potential production partners who have been contacted and have expressed an interest in cooperation
  • Support in structuring of the cooperation by Kerst Doornhof, who is happy to use his 30 years of experience for you
  • Additional support in all possible areas that are discussed when setting up production abroad

No more wrong choices in setting up production abroad!

We have already supported more than 50 companies in setting up production abroad.

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